Create a DEX like PancakeSwap: A Step-by-Step Guide

November 22, 2023
Create a DEX like PancakeSwap: A Step-by-Step Guide

Decentralized exchange development has become increasingly popular in the world of cryptocurrency, providing users with a secure and trustless way to trade digital assets. PancakeSwap, which is built on the Binance Smart Chain, is one such example that has caught the attention of the crypto community. If you're interested in creating a DEX like PancakeSwap, this step-by-step guide will take you through the crucial components and processes involved.

Architecture of PancakeSwap and Its Impact on DeFi

PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), has quickly emerged as a prominent player in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Since its launch in September 2020, PancakeSwap has drawn attention for its exclusive features, low transaction fees, and ethos centered around the community.

10 Key Elements of PancakeSwap

10 Key Elements of PancakeSwap

Before starting the process of creating a DEX like Pncakeswap, let’s delve into PancakeSwap's key elements, and its impact on the ever-evolving DeFi development landscape.

Learning about PancakeSwap's features is paramount for those embarking on decentralized exchange development, ensuring a strategic and informed approach to creating a competitive and sustainable DEX.

1.User-Friendly Interface

PancakeSwap's popularity stems from its user-friendly interface and low transaction fees on the Binance Smart Chain. Understanding user expectations is critical for creating a DEX that attracts and retains users, boosting the success of decentralized

2. PancakeSwap's Unique TradingFeatures

  • Automated Market Maker (AMM): When you start creating a DEX like PancakeSwap you need to understand what an AMM model is. The AMM model allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets without the need for a traditional order book. Liquidity providers contribute to liquidity pools and smart contracts automatically determine the price of assets based on the ratio of tokens in the pool.
  • Liquidity Pools and Yield Farming: With DEX Development like Pancakeswap, users are capable of providing liquidity to diverse token sets and obtaining fees by taking part in liquidity pools. PancakeSwap additionally provides opportunities for yield farming development, enabling users to stake LP (liquidity provider) tokens and receive extra rewards.

Learn how to Revolutionize Defi with Yield Farming Development Services.

3. Low Transaction Fees and Speed

One of key attractions in creating a DEX like PancakeSwap's is its affordable transaction fees, facilitated by the cost-effective infrastructure of the Binance Smart Chain. This has drawn in users who were searching for Ethereum alternatives due to its high gas fees, thus increasing DeFi's availability to a wider audience.

4. Community-Driven Governance

Creating a DEX like PancakeSwap embraces the concept of community governance, which facilitates active user involvement in decision-making processes. Token holders are free to propose and vote on protocol changes, thereby promoting a sense of decentralization and inclusivity.

5. CAKE Token and Staking

The native utility token of PancakeSwap is CAKE. Token holders have the opportunity to stake CAKE to earn more tokens and take part in the administration of the platform. This fosters community involvement and allegiance.

6. Syrup Pools

Syrup pools resemble liquidity pools but focus on staking CAKE tokens to gain rewards. Users can stake CAKE tokens in these pools to earn other tokens as rewards, encouraging long-term participation and loyalty.

7. Lottery Feature

Creating a DEX like you can also consider to implement lottery features. PancakeSwap incorporates a lottery function that allows CAKE token holders to engage in token lotteries. This feature offers a thrilling component, granting users an extra avenue for earning rewards through a random selection of winners.

8. Initial Farm Offerings (IFOs)

PancakeSwap enables Initial Farm Offerings, in which new tokens can be launched through the platform. Users may take part in these offerings by staking CAKE tokens and subsequently receiving the newly launched token.

9. Partnerships and Ecosystem Growth

PancakeSwap has proactively pursued partnerships and collaborations to broaden its ecosystem. Collaborations with other DeFi projects, blockchain platforms, and cutting-edge features propel the growth of the PancakeSwap community.

10. Impact on DeFi Accessibility

PancakeSwap's affordable charges and easy-to-use platform have been instrumental in widening DeFi's audience. Its achievements emphasize the significance of blockchain solutions that are scalable and cost-efficient in promoting the growth of decentralized finance.

PancakeSwap has undoubtedly made a considerable impact on the DeFi development by providing an appealing choice for users looking for low-cost and effective decentralized trading. PancakeSwap's dedication to community governance, affordability, and innovative functionalities establish it as a noteworthy contender in the decentralized finance ecosystem, impacting the DeFi's trajectory for years to come. It makes the process of creating a DEX like PancakeSwap a very attractive decision.

PancakeSwap V2 and V3

Currently, PancakeSwap has two versions, namely V2 and V3. These decentralized applications follow distinct methods to provide liquidity. V3 proves to be a more efficient and cost-effective upgrade for users. Additionally, V3 rewards liquidity providers with increased earnings from transaction fees.

PancakeSwap V2 and V3

To Create a DEX like PancakeSwap Explore the Standout Features of the Latest Version

1. Significant Reduction in Trading Fees

Traders can benefit from up to 25 times lower trading fees in comparison to V2, enhancing cost-effectiveness and affordability for users. The diverse fee tiers are devised to strike a balance, enabling traders to gain from the lowest fee tier, whilst also encouraging liquidity providers to contribute as much liquidity as possible.

2. Boosted Fee Earnings for Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers now have the opportunity to earn significantly higher fees for the same amount of deposits, thereby enhancing the rewards for their participation in liquidity pools.

The latest version V3, introduces an improved smart router, raising the efficiency of the trading engine by incorporating split routing functionality and the ability to use all available liquidity within the protocol. This intelligent smart router optimizes trading routes by seamlessly integrating liquidity from PancakeSwap V3, V2 and StableSwap through multi-hops and split routing capabilities.

Furthermore, it connects with liquidity from the Market Maker integration to ensure traders receive the best possible prices. Users can customize or deactivate specific liquidity sources, providing them with extensive control over the routing of their trades.

3. Enhanced Capital Efficiency

PancakeSwap V3 presents up to a 4000 times increase in capital efficiency, giving users the opportunity to earn effortlessly while experiencing significant profit growth.

This version of PancakeSwap V3 brings a significant increase in capital efficiency. In the previous version, V2, liquidity proffered by LPs was evenly distributed throughout the entire price curve, ranging from 0 to infinity. However, this method led to inefficiencies in capital, particularly for pairs of assets traded within certain price ranges. The pools containing stablecoin pairs exemplify this inefficiency, with a considerable proportion of liquidity being underutilized.

With the launch of V3, liquidity providers now have the ability to "concentrate" their capital within smaller price intervals, allowing them to select a customized price range when providing liquidity. This approach allows LPs to target their capital towards price ranges where the majority of trading activities occur, thereby maximizing the efficiency of their invested capital. This focus proves especially advantageous in stablecoin pools where asset prices stay relatively stable, resulting in a potential capital multiplier of up to 4000x.

By exploring these new standout features in your journey to create a DEX like PancakeSwap, you can empower your decentralized exchange platform with cutting-edge functionalities, lower trading fees, and enhanced capital efficiency, ultimately providing users with a seamless and rewarding decentralized trading experience.

PancakeSwap Services

PancakeSwap provides a broad selection of features, guaranteeing an option for each person, whether it's in the realm of DeFi, NFTs, or even gaming. Here are the primary methods in which you can benefit from using PancakeSwap:

1. Decentralized Exchange Development

PancakeSwap operates as a decentralized exchange where the community plays a central role in providing liquidity. This mechanism guarantees the efficient operation of the automated market maker, thereby enabling users to seamlessly swap tokens.

2. NFT Marketplace Development

Discover PancakeSwap's NFT marketplace, where collaborations with partners offer a range of collectibles, game items, and digital artwork. The platform enables NFT enthusiasts to acquire and interact with one-of-a-kind digital assets.

3. Pancake Protectors

Immerse yourself in the gaming world with "Pancake Protectors", a mobile game combining strategy and tower defense genres, with intricate connection to the CAKE token. This game was launched in May 2023, providing an entertaining experience while also incorporating the utility of the CAKE token within the gameplay.

Create a DEX like PancakeSwap

Forking PancakeSwap or any other decentralized exchange involves creating a new version of the existing codebase with modifications to suit specific needs or preferences. It's essential to note that adhering to open-source licenses, ethical considerations, and legal requirements is necessary when forking and modifying a project.

Create a DEX like PancakeSwap

To create a DEX like PancakeSwapt you need to follow a series of steps. Here's a general outline of the process:

1. Understand the PancakeSwap Codebase

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the PancakeSwap codebase. PancakeSwap is typically open-source, and its code can be found on platforms like GitHub. Familiarize yourself with the smart contracts development, frontend code, and other components.

2. Define Objectives

Clearly define the objectives of your DEX development. Determine the specific modifications or improvements you want to implement in the new forked version. This could include changes to the user interface, tokenomics, governance mechanisms, or additional features.

3. Choose Blockchain Platform

Choose the blockchain technology for your decentralized exchange development. Popular choices include Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and others. The selection will impact factors such as transaction speed, cost, and ecosystem support.

If you want to create a DEX like PancakeSwap, you should know that it primarily operates on the Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain is a blockchain network created by Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges globally. PancakeSwap's choice of the Binance Smart Chain contributes to its advantages, including faster transaction times and lower fees compared to some other blockchain networks like Ethereum.

4. Understand Smart Contracts

Gain a deep understanding of smart contracts, as they form the backbone of any DEX development. Smart contracts facilitate trading, liquidity provision, and various other functionalities.

The main smart contracts used by PancakeSwap include:

  • Factory Contract (v2, v3): The Factory Contract is responsible for creating new pairs of tokens and initializing the necessary parameters for each trading pair on the DEX.
  • Router Contract (v2, v3): The Router Contract handles the execution of trades, routing transactions between different liquidity pools, and interacting with various other smart contracts within the PancakeSwap ecosystem.
  • Main Staking Contract/MasterChef Contract (v2, v3): The MasterChef Contract is related to the yield farming development aspect of PancakeSwap. It governs the distribution of CAKE tokens as rewards to liquidity providers and participants in the platform's various pools.

Find details on contracts in Pancakeswap Docs.

5. Create a Fork

To create a DEX like PancakeSwap, you need to fork the PancakeSwap repository on GitHub or the chosen version. This creates a copy of the existing codebase in your GitHub account, which you can modify and manage independently.

6. Modify the Codebase

Implement changes and modifications to the forked codebase, such as adjusting smart contracts, parameters, and user interface, or integrating new features to create a DEX like PancakeSwap.

7. Security Audits

Conduct comprehensive security audits on the altered code as they are pivotal in the decentralized exchange development for detecting and rectifying weaknesses that may compromise the platform's integrity and security.

8. Test on Testnets

Before deploying the forked version onto the main network, thoroughly test the modified code on test networks. This assists in identifying and resolving any problems or glitches that may arise during practical application.

9. Deploy on Mainnet

Deploy the modified version and update the frontend to make it accessible to users, once satisfied with the testing results. The deployment of a DEX on the mainnet is a key step in decentralized exchange development that demands meticulous planning, attention to detail and constant monitoring.

10. Community Engagement

Engage with the community to gather feedback and address concerns. Open-source initiatives frequently benefit from the input and suggestions of the community. By establishing an enthusiastic and connected user base, DEX developers can boost the platform's visibility while also nurturing a devoted community that assists in the long-term success and expansion of the decentralized exchange.

11. Documentation

Provide thorough documentation for both users and developers. Precise documentation guarantees that users comprehend how to engage with the forked PancakeSwap-like platform while opening doors for developers to support its continual DEX growth.

12. Legal Considerations

Legal considerations are paramount in decentralized exchange development to ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks and mitigate potential legal risks. To create a DEX like PancakeSwap, you need to ensure compliance with open-source licenses, legal requirements, and ethical considerations. Respect the terms of the original project's license and provide appropriate attribution.

13. Maintenance and Updates

Commit to regularly maintaining and updating the forked project, which entails addressing bugs, implementing new features, and remaining aligned with the constantly evolving decentralized exchange development landscape. Maintenance and updates are crucial to the decentralized exchange development, ensuring that the platform remains functional, secure, and pertinent.

Creating a DEX like PancakeSwap requires careful planning, technical proficiency, and a commitment to maintaining a secure and functional platform. It is crucial to undertake the process with ethical considerations, demonstrating respect for the original project's contributions, and adhering to legal and licensing requisites.

Reasons to Create a DEX like PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap offers several advantages and applications within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

Reasons to Create a DEX like PancakeSwap

Here are key advantages and applications of creating a DEX like PancakeSwap:

1. Reliable Decision

PancakeSwap has solidified its position as a market leader, boasting years of successful operation and a substantial user base. Creating a DEX like PancakeSwap with verified code not only streamlines the development process but also positions the project to benefit from the proven success and trust garnered by one of the industry's frontrunners.

2. Ready-Made Solution

Developers can save time and resources by using a pre-built solution, creating a DEX like PancakeSwap, instead of creating a DEX infrastructure from scratch. This approach allows teams to concentrate on customising and enhancing specific features, rather than dealing with the complexities of building an entire decentralized exchange system.

3. User-Friendly Interface

PancakeSwap presents an easily navigable and user-friendly interface, rendering it obtainable to both veterans and beginners in the digital asset sphere. The simplistic layout fosters wider acceptance amidst the cryptocurrency community.

4. Liquidity Pools and Yield Farming

PancakeSwap's use of liquidity pools and yield farming mechanisms is central to its success. Learning about liquidity management and yield farming strategies is crucial for creating a DEX with competitive and sustainable liquidity, optimizing decentralized exchange development.

5. Community Governance

PancakeSwap's decentralized governance model enables the community to take control. CAKE token holders are able to suggest and vote on alterations, guaranteeing that verdicts regarding the dex development are reached collectively.

6. Cross-Chain Compatibility

PancakeSwap was initially constructed using the Binance Smart Chain. Its cross-chain compatibility feature enables possibilities for integrating with other blockchain networks, ultimately broadening its audience.

In summary, PancakeSwap's advantages for the decentralized exchange development lie in its low fees, efficient trading model, user-friendly interface, and robust community governance. Its applications extend to decentralized trading, liquidity provision, yield farming, token launches, and more, contributing to its position as a significant player in the DeFi space.

Disadvantages of Creating a DEX like PancakeSwap

While PancakeSwap has gained widespread popularity and offers numerous advantages, like any platform, it is not without its potential drawbacks. It's essential to consider these disadvantages when evaluating the suitability of PancakeSwap for your decentralized exchange development and DeFi activities.

Disadvantages of Creating a DEX like PancakeSwap

1. Smart Contract Risks

Like in any decentralized exchange, the process of creating a DEX like PancakeSwap relies on smart contracts to execute transactions and manage user funds. Vulnerabilities can affect smart contracts, which may result in security risks if not audited or updated thoroughly.

2. Potential for Impermanent Loss

Liquidity providers on PancakeSwap may encounter impermanent loss, which occurs when the worth of the assets in the liquidity pool differs from the value of the same assets held outside said pool. This could have an effect on the total return for providers of liquidity.

3. Limited Asset Diversity

While PancakeSwap supports a range of tokens, it might not offer the same level of asset diversity as larger decentralized exchanges like Uniswap on Ethereum. Users seeking less common or newly launched tokens might need to look elsewhere.

4. Centralization Concerns

PancakeSwap operates on the Binance Smart Chain, which is considered more centralized compared to some other blockchains. So if you want to create a DEX like PancakeSwap, keep in mind that some users in the decentralized finance community prioritize decentralization and may have reservations about platforms operating on chains with fewer validators.

5. Network Dependency

PancakeSwap's performance and reliability are tied to the Binance Smart Chain. In the event of disruptions or issues on the BSC network, users may experience delays or difficulties in executing transactions on PancakeSwap.

6. Potential for Front-Running

As with any decentralized exchange, there is a risk of front-running, where traders exploit time lags to execute transactions ahead of others. While there are some measures in decentralized exchange development that are in place to mitigate this risk, it remains a concern in the broader DeFi space.

7. Limited Integration with External Platforms

PancakeSwap's integration with external platforms and services might be more limited compared to DEXs on more established blockchains. Such limitations may have an effect on users seeking effortless experiences across multiple DeFi applications.

It is crucial for users, investors, and those interested in creating a DEX like PancakeSwap to carry out extensive research, comprehend the possible risks, and assess their risk tolerance before engaging in DeFi platforms such as PancakeSwap. Furthermore, being up-to-date about updates, audits, and enhancements to the platform is essential for forming well-informed judgments.

Main Competitors

The decentralized exchange development market is highly competitive, with various platforms vying for user attention and market share.

Main Competitors

1. Uniswap

Uniswap is a prominently recognised decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It initiated the automated market maker (AMM) model and continues to be a noteworthy rival, specifically for users on the Ethereum network.

Explore our guide on the reasons why Uniswap is a common selection to design your DEX. Learn How to Create a DEX like Uniswap with our overview and forking guidelines.

2. SushiSwap

SushiSwap is another decentralized exchange that operates on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. It offers features similar to PancakeSwap, including liquidity pools, yield farming, and governance.

3. 1inch

1inch is a decentralized exchange aggregator that sources liquidity from various DEXs to offer users the best possible trade prices. It operates across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

As the DEX environment keeps evolving, it is crucial to stay competitive by combining technological innovation, user-focused design, security measures, and strategic alliances. Additionally, factors such as transaction fees, user experience, and the diversity of supported tokens contribute to a platform's competitiveness. Always check the latest information and user feedback to assess the current standing of these projects.


Creation of DEX like PancakeSwap necessitates precise planning, meticulous implementation, and careful attention to details. Adhering to the recommended steps, and focusing on security and user experience, will allow you to begin the journey of building your own DEX and contributing to the decentralized finance ecosystem. Our team is at your disposal, ready to embark on this journey with you!

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