50 Web3 Grants to Apply in 2024. Part 2

February 19, 2024
50 Web3 Grants to Apply in 2024. Part 2

Welcome to the second part of our series on blockchain grant programs! In this article, we'll continue to explore various grant initiatives that offer support to developers and projects in the Web3 ecosystem. Join us as we delve into the details of each program and discover how they're empowering developers to shape the future of decentralized technology.


Check out the first part of our series for even more funding and support opportunities! πŸ‘‰ 50 Blockchain Ecosystem Grants to Apply in 2024


Manta Network Grants

‍Manta Network Grants



The Manta Grants Program supports projects enhancing Manta's activity, ecosystem growth, and Web3 & Web2 user acquisition. Projects leveraging Manta's infrastructure and toolkits to bring Web3 decentralization and onboard large-scale Web2 applications are eligible. Categories include SocialFi and GameFi Mobile Applications, Bridging Solutions, and zk Applications-oriented DeFi solutions. Manta offers a high-performance blockchain for on-chain zk Applications, rapid development tools, and a developer-friendly experience for Web2 and Web3.




Metis Development Grants

Metis Development Grants



The Metis Ecosystem comprises a 4.6 million METIS fund aimed at expediting adoption within the Metis Ecosystem. Its primary goal is to provide financial support for a range of initiatives, including new project deployments, product development for existing dApps, Builder Mining rewards, sequencer mining, and more. Established on December 18, 2023, the fund will commence disbursements following the launch of the Metis Decentralized Sequencer in Q1 2024. The fund's applications span Builder Mining Rewards (BMR), product development, protocol deployments, liquidity provision during product launches, small audits, and liquidity mining.




ZetaChain Grants

ZetaChain Grants



The ZetaChain Grant facilitates visionary dApp builders aiming to catalyze revolutionary advancements in the multi-chain ecosystem using ZetaChain. This grant program is aimed to bolster innovative, decentralized enterprises contributing to the expansion of the ZetaChain ecosystem. Based on milestones, the funding grant supports dApps implementing scalable, pioneering strategies to onboard non-crypto natives into web3, thereby enhancing value across the broader ZetaChain ecosystem. Areas of focus encompass crypto UX, DAOs, games and GameFi, identity solutions, social platforms, wallets, NFTs, and DeFi. Grants are intended to support web3 development, liquidity provision, adoption efforts, and/or raising awareness.




Fuse Network Grants

Fuse Network Grants



A $10M fund has been established to empower builders to participate in the Fuse Network rapidly expanding Blockchain Ecosystem. They extend support to impactful projects that contribute to the betterment of their community and ecosystem, including but not limited to those involving multichain & interoperability, applications & onboarding to web3, web3 infrastructure, privacy & identity solutions, open & decentralized finance (DeFi), data & oracles, NFTs & metaverse, GameFi, and social impact initiatives.




Base Ecosystem Grants

Base Ecosystem Grants



Base Ecosystem eagerly awaits proposals from builders developing systems, protocols, and tools to enable users to store all of their money on-chain. Some potential ideas for builders include flatcoins, on-chain reputation systems, on-chain limit order book (LOB) exchanges, and initiatives focused on enhancing the safety of DeFi protocols.




Flare Ecosystem Grants Program

Flare Ecosystem Grants Program



The Flare Ecosystem Support Program offers both financial and non-financial assistance to projects and entities within the Flare Network community, aiming to expedite ecosystem growth. Grants denominated in FLR and SGB will be awarded quarterly, spanning various categories such as builder tools, projects, and infrastructure that bolster Flare Network's expansion.




Flow Grants Program

Flow Grants Program



The Flow Developer Grants program is dedicated to empowering developers in the Flow community through financial assistance and support. It encourages projects that enhance Flow's foundational elements, including open-source tools, research, educational resources, and community development, while also improving the development and utilization of decentralized applications (dApps) within the Flow ecosystem. Ultimately, the program seeks to fortify the Flow builder community, upgrade network infrastructure, and promote collaboration among developers. They also encourage contributors from diverse backgrounds and projects at various development stages: from idea inception to early stages, proof of concept, or significant progress.




Helium Foundation Grants

Helium Foundation Grants



The Helium Foundation grant program fosters innovation throughout the decentralized wireless ecosystem by offering funding, technical assistance, and community resources to talented individuals and teams. The program supports projects, development initiatives, community events, and educational resources aimed at fortifying the network and igniting community inspiration. Committed to bridging promising IoT use cases with aligned venture partners, the Helium Foundation ensures that businesses pioneering the future of wireless technology are equipped to scale effectively. Through partnerships with reputable funds in the hardware and Web3 sectors, the foundation supports scalable solutions in the space.




Syscoin Incentive Program

Syscoin Incentive Program



The NEVM Incentive Program has been launched to drive the adoption of Syscoin's NEVM smart contract layer. In a bid to cultivate a vibrant ecosystem, the Syscoin Foundation has allocated 20,000,000 SYS towards projects deploying on NEVM, in the form of TVL incentives. The program welcomes qualifying DeFi and GameFi projects interested in building on or migrating to Syscoin. Incentives are tiered and contingent on Total Locked Value (TVL) or user base size.




Klaytn Grant Programs

Klaytn Grant Programs



The Klaytn Foundation Grant Program is designated for the purpose of attracting new governance councils, developing services, and operating the foundation. Klaytn Foundation Grant Program will be executed autonomously and transparently after obtaining approval from the GC via on-chain voting.




Kava Grants

Kava Grants



Kava Rise presents itself as the simplest, most transparent developer incentive program in Web3. By deploying on the Kava Network and driving usage, developers stand to earn their share of $750M in incentives. The top 100 protocols will receive pro-rata reward distributions monthly, calculated based on usage, specifically the time-weighted total value locked (TVL) of the protocol as a share of the collective TVL of the top 100 protocols. Distributions will be made in liquid KAVA tokens to the official protocol address. The distribution process is divided into phases, with Phase One releasing approximately 1M KAVA per month.




Rootstock Grants

Rootstock Grants



Get support for your next dApp on Rootstock through the strategic grants program. Created to foster the Rootstock ecosystem, grants are available for various project types. You can apply to integrate Rootstock with your existing products or build a new dApp. Successful applicants will receive mentorship and marketing support for their projects. Themes include generating sustainable yield with RBTC and Real World Assets, as well as bridging Rootstock with other L1/L2s.




XRP Ledger Grants

XRP Ledger Grants



XRPL Grants supports software developers keen on establishing technical standards and solutions to advance the XRP Ledger Community, utilizing the XRPL’s open-source technology. Funded projects encompass various categories such as infrastructure/security, NFTs, tokenization, sidechains, social impact, sustainability, and usability/developer tooling.




Sui Foundation Grants

Sui Foundation Grants



The Sui Foundation provides funding to developers, builders, educators, academics, and other community members engaged in projects and research that align with their mission of onboarding the next billion users to web3 by promoting the global adoption of the Sui blockchain. Grant amounts typically range between $30-40k USD, although there are no set minimum or maximum limits. Projects are evaluated based on the feasibility of the proposed deliverables. Additionally, Academic Research Awards offer a fixed grant of $25k USD.




Gate Chain Grants

Gate Chain Grants



Gate Grants offers free R&D funds ranging from $10K to $100K to support creative ideas and projects, whether they are built on Gatechain or not. Expectations include projects related to DEXs, loans, derivatives, yield aggregators, cross-chain assets, and oracle solutions.




5ire Grants Program

5ire Grants Program



The 5ire Grants Program aims to attract top developers and promote decentralized application (dApp) adoption on the 5ire blockchain. Running from March 1 to May 31, 2024, it supports innovation with grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. Applicants can choose to receive funds in either USDT or 5ire tokens. The program offers comprehensive support including grants, marketing assistance, technical support, and investor connections. It focuses on key growth areas like infrastructure, social impact, DeFi, gaming, and NFT projects, with a strong emphasis on security and reliability.




Partisia Blockchain Grant Program

Partisia Blockchain Grant Program



The Partisia Blockchain Grant Program offers funding to assist in the development of your dApp using Partisia Blockchain services. There is mutual benefit, and they will fund your idea for your app that utilizes Partisia Blockchain. The program currently only offers $MPC tokens for grants.




Decentraland Grants

Decentraland Grants



The Decentraland DAO's MANA fund supports the platform's growth through a grants program. Community members can request funding for community building, content creation, or platform improvements in two tiers: Lower Tier (up to $20,000 USD) and Higher Tier ($20,000 to $240,000 USD). Grantees should create tools and applications that extend the power of the Decentraland platform or provide alternative ways to explore the ecosystem. Grants are payable in stablecoins with varying vesting durations.




Astar Network Grants

Astar Network Grants



Astar Network supports the building of dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability with cross-consensus messaging and cross-virtual machines. Astar’s unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dApps they build. Astar’s vibrant ecosystem has become Polkadot’s leading Parachain globally, supported by all major exchanges and Tier 1 VCs. Astar offers the flexibility of all Ethereum and WASM toolings for developers to start building their dApps.




The Stacks Foundation Grants

The Stacks Foundation Grants



The Stacks Foundation backs builders aiming to expand the Bitcoin economy through increased adoption. Their Grants program provides structured funding for essential open-source technology development and educational initiatives. In 2024, the focus areas include audits, penetration testing, mining and stacking pool support, sBTC bridge development, tooling audits, performance enhancements, infrastructure provider integrations, and developer tooling expansions related to sBTC and Nakamoto libraries.




Alchemy Grants

Alchemy Grants


The Alchemy for Startups program is tailored to support the development of web3 projects and advance the web3 ecosystem. Whether associated with a registered partner or just embarking on their journey, participation is welcomed. Qualified startups receive a host of benefits, including credits, prioritized support, co-marketing opportunities, educational resources, exclusive events, and more.




Balancer Grants

Balancer Grants



The BAL Grant program is an initiative through which BalancerDAO advances the development of the Balancer Protocol and Ecosystem, with the overarching mission to establish itself as the premier source for decentralized exchange trades. Targeting both individuals and groups, the program seeks proposals from projects aiming to build technology or resources on the Balancer Protocol. Grant amounts range from $1K to $100K. Proposals should provide a concise summary outlining their objectives and the value they intend to bring to DeFi and web3 utilizing Balancer, demonstrating how their project will contribute to the advancement and innovation within the ecosystem.




Chainlink Grant Program

Chainlink Grant Program



The Chainlink grant program deploys substantial resources toward the creation of critical developer tooling, the addition of high-quality data, and the launching of key services around the Chainlink Network. Developer grants seek to extend smart contract developer tooling, build reference projects that showcase use of multiple technologies, education and aspiring initiatives for developers. Its goal is to build key pillars to accelerate the development of connected smart contracts and oracle node networks.




Conflux Grants

Conflux Grants



Conflux is a young network with a rapidly growing ecosystem. Their Grant Program’s objective is to encourage innovation by supporting developers building OS components of the Conflux technology stack and entrepreneurs focused on growth. Conflux's grant categories focus on core infrastructure, developing tools for cross-chain assets; gamify stack, encouraging next-gen games powered by Conflux; and developer tooling, creating tools to streamline development on the Conflux platform. These categories collectively contribute to the growth and sustainability of Conflux's ecosystem.




Covalent Grants Program

Covalent Grants Program



The Covalent Grants Program caters to developers exploring a diverse range of projects, from multi-chain wallets to risk scoring credit systems and beyond, including ventures into fields like DAO Analytics, on-chain accounting, predictive analytics, or AI. The program is structured to provide support for both existing projects and those seeking Web3 data solutions to tackle future challenges. Applicants have the opportunity to receive up to $25,000 in support from Covalent, aimed at subsidizing their data costs, accelerating time to market, and acquiring unique data sets to drive the next wave of Web3 applications. It's important to note that this program is currently in beta, and there may be some hiccups in the vetting, review, and administration process.




DIMO Ecosystem Grants

DIMO Ecosystem Grants



The Ignite Team has earmarked an initial $2,000,000 ecosystem fund to support innovators driving progress within the DIMO ecosystem. Regardless of the project idea, if it contributes to the DIMO Network, they're interested to support it. Key focus areas include onboarding vehicles and valuable data sources, showcasing DIMO data utility, on-chain credential issuance, building top-notch payments infrastructure, creating apps and games with vehicle data, scaling DIMO marketplace partners, and leveraging DIMO trips and automated driving data for creative applications and user experiences.




dYdX Grants

dYdX Grants



dYdX grants are open to a diverse range of projects that can have a positive impact on the dYdX product and/or community. They are looking to fund a wide array of grants, ranging from external trading tools to governance dashboards and newsletters. These grants can encompass simple projects, like translating documentation, or more elaborate and longer-term projects, such as Third Party Integrations. The funding amount for each project will vary to reflect its complexity, and they are aiming to push funding rounds on a weekly cadence. This approach ensures a continuous and dynamic support system for a variety of projects, allowing the dYdX ecosystem to evolve and thrive.




Cartesi Ecosystem Grants

Cartesi Ecosystem Grants



The Cartesi Grants Program aims to boost the adoption of long-term contributors and developers who are building innovative applications on Cartesi. Applications are open for a 4-month period, starting from January 30th, 2024. The Cartesi Grants Council will distribute a total of 1,000,000 USDC across Waves 1 and 2. For Wave 1, up to 500,000 USD has been earmarked, allocated across four areas of focus representing specific challenges and needs the program aims to fund. This ensures that grants are directed towards projects aligning with Cartesi ecosystem priorities, including New Ideas & dApps, Research and Integrations, Developer Tooling, and Gaming.




Compound Grants

Compound Grants



Compound's Grants Program aims to support initiatives, events, and efforts that contribute to the enhancement of the Compound protocol and ecosystem. With 27,000 COMP allocated from the COMP Distribution reservoir, the program invites applications across four domains: Protocol Ideas & dApps, Developer Tooling, Multi-Chain Strategy, and Security Tooling. To apply, interested parties can submit proposals tailored to one of these domains.




Ocean Shipyard

Ocean Shipyard



Ocean Shipyard is an early-stage grant program aimed at funding the development of innovative Web3 dApps on Ocean Protocol. Entrepreneurs are invited to build open-source solutions, unlock valuable data, and drive innovation within the Ocean ecosystem. Projects can range from data pools, DataFi applications and infrastructures-as-a-service to AI services integration and decentralized SaaS applications. Successful grants typically receive funding of up to $30,000 over a period of 3-6 months. In 2024, the Ocean Shipyard grant program has a total funding pool of $OCEAN 2,000,000.




Uniswap Foundation Grants

Uniswap Foundation Grants



The Uniswap Foundation offers grants for DeFi public goods in a few areas. Liquidity provider tools and resources simplify liquidity provision for retail investors and aid in protocol liquidity management. Developer tools, including simple SDKs and user-friendly tools to help developers new to DEXs build and integrate their projects, and solutions addressing common pain points. Governance stewardship funding for tools and research improving decentralized governance processes and participation. These grants aim to support projects that enhance user experiences, facilitate liquidity provision, and foster innovation within the DeFi ecosystem. Mention that the current requests for proposal cycle is closed and will reopen next quarter.




Everscale Network Grants

Everscale Network Grants



Everscale Grants is a campaign designed to draw in promising IT projects capable of enhancing the growth of the Everscale ecosystem. The program offers financial support to assist projects in reaching their identified milestones, technical support to aid in platform development and integration, and marketing assistance to raise awareness and attract users.




ssv.network Grants Program

ssv.network Grants Program



The ssv.network Grants Program is a community-led grants program to fund development teams building decentralized staking applications and services with the intent of promoting and accelerating development and innovation by developers building on top of the network. The program offers various funding options to innovative builders developing DVT-based applications and tooling. These include staking pools, staking services, DVT as a service, DeFi staking protocols, staking pool contracts, white-label staking interfaces, and integration guide code snippets.




zkSync Ecosystem

zkSync Ecosystem



zkDAO is a decentralized organization dedicated to expanding the zkSync ecosystem through strategic funding across various sectors. Initial funding will target critical areas like DeFi, NFTs, games, payments, DAOs, privacy, and interoperability. The organization will also support infrastructure development and the creation of public goods to benefit the Ethereum ecosystem.




NEAR Ecosystem Grants

NEAR Ecosystem Grants



The NEAR ecosystem provides various funding options to support initiatives focused on decentralization, growth, and innovation on NEAR. Ecosystem Grants are available for projects and startups contributing to the advancement of web 3.0.




RENEC Ecosystem Grants

RENEC Ecosystem Grants



The RENEC DApp Grant Program supports community initiatives to enhance the RENEC ecosystem, fostering a decentralized and secure digital economy. It aims to build a strong developer community, create impactful DApps and smart contracts, and promote RENEC adoption across various industries. Grants are offered in three tiers: Seed grants, up to $25,000 for early-stage projects; development grants, up to $50,000 for projects with functional prototypes; and growth grants, up to $100,000 for projects ready to scale.




Aleph Zero Ecosystem Grants

Aleph Zero Ecosystem Grants



The goal of the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Grants Program is to financially support innovations from developer teams that enhance the capabilities, functionalities, and adoption of the Aleph Zero blockchain. Project ideas may span from proof-of-concept and early-stage companies to experienced teams with solutions deployed on various platforms. Any project contributing value to the Aleph Zero ecosystem is encouraged to apply. However, particular interest lies in supporting teams focused on use cases that leverage the unique features of Aleph Zero, including novel ZK-SNARK applications, DeFi use cases, and network enhancements.




Polymesh Grants Program

Polymesh Grants Program



The Polymesh Association is committed to enhancing and expanding the Polymesh ecosystem. The program is open to anyone interested in applying for a grant. While the projects funded through their programs span a broad spectrum, the association places a specific emphasis on robust technical initiatives that contribute significant value to the Polymesh ecosystem. The current Requests for Proposals (RFPs) cover diverse areas such as Security Token Orientated Block Explorer, Hardware Wallet Integration, Enterprise Software Wallet Integration, Mobile Wallet Options for Polymesh, and more.




Ergo Platform Grants

Ergo Platform Grants



Ergo is a next-generation Proof of Work smart-contract platform that enables new models of financial interaction, underpinned by a safe and rich scripting language and flexible and powerful Zero-Knowledge proofs (Ξ£-protocols). They are looking to fund grants for projects that focus on building key ecosystem infrastructure.




Livepeer Grants

Livepeer Grants



Livepeer Grants support projects benefiting their ecosystem, offering microgrants (up to $2,000 USD for 1-month projects), video disruptor grants (up to $15,000 USD for 3-month projects focusing on innovative video research), and open network grants for projects enhancing Livepeer's network operations, like bots for better governance, tools to better parse/debug logs, etc. Applicants can integrate Livepeer into products, create educational content, or develop tools for network health and governance.




Concordium Ecosystem Grants

Concordium Ecosystem Grants



Concordium empowers individuals to develop groundbreaking solutions, aiming to become a leading blockchain by investing in key areas like ESG, DeFi, NFTs, the Metaverse, Gaming, and bridging Web2 and Web3. This quarter, the focus is on Real World Asset tokenization (RWA) and Traceability, although all projects beneficial to the Concordium ecosystem are welcome.




Edgeware Grants

Edgeware Grants



Edgeware invites proposals from all community members, offering various investments, token grants, or network share allocations aimed at improving and advancing the network and ecosystem.




Crust Grants Program

Crust Grants Program



The Crust Grants Program, initiated by the Decentralized Cloud Foundation (DCF), recognizes projects that enhance the Web 3.0 decentralized cloud storage ecosystem. It segments decentralized cloud storage into six layers, encompassing chain protocol, file systems protocol, node strategies, development tools and infrastructure, blockchain-based applications, and user-based applications. Currently, the program primarily focuses on protocol layer projects and applications catering to diverse user bases. Accepted applicants receive funding support of up to 30,000 USDT.




Human Protocol Grants

Human Protocol Grants



The HUMAN grants program wants to help enterprises develop the strategies, tools, and technologies necessary to accelerate the adoption of the Protocol, and ignite the work revolution it makes possible. It allocates $10 million to support projects exploring new applications and use cases for the HUMAN Protocol, offering three grant tiers: explorer (up to $10,000), builder (up to $50,000), and innovator (up to $250,000). Alongside funding, successful proposals receive development and strategy support, mentorship, marketing assistance, access to third-party vendors and specialists, and exclusive community channels.




Aleo Grants Program

Aleo Grants Program



The Aleo Developer Grants Program currently offers two types of grants: Aleo Blueprint Grants and Aleo Launch Grants. Blueprint Grants are provided for developing pre-specified projects, akin to Request for Proposals (RFPs). Currently open for submission are bounties for proofs of useful work and a darkpool DEX. Aleo Blueprint Grants funding ranges from $10k to $100k. The Launch Grant supports seasoned developers proposing full-featured, multi-milestone projects, with funding ranging from $10k to $200k and beyond.




Algorand Foundation Grants

Algorand Foundation Grants



The Algo grant program program empowers passionate founders to create innovative decentralized applications. Selected projects receive $15,000 upfront seed funding and are eligible for follow-up investments of up to $500,000. Over the 12-week accelerator program, Algorand provides comprehensive support, including strategy formulation, go-to-market execution, and mentorship in areas such as technology, token economics, marketing, and fundraising. The program's key focus areas include dev tools, marketplace development, exchanges, real estate, gaming, dApps, NFTs, and DeFi.




Linea Ecosystem Investment Alliance

Linea Ecosystem Investment Alliance



Consensys launches the Linea Ecosystem Investment Alliance (EIA), connecting Linea builders with Consensys and its VC partners to offer investment and operational support. The alliance aims to support projects using Linea’s scalability solution in finance, gaming, Web3 communities. LEIA aims to transform and accelerate the funding process while providing invaluable mentorship and technical coaching, offering Linea builders unique support for their growth. LEIA invests across all stages and sectors, with a focus on DeFi, Gaming, and Social apps.




4EVERLAND Grants Program

4EVERLAND Grants Program



4EVERLAND's Dev-Grants Program endeavors to facilitate developers in transitioning seamlessly from web 2.0 to web 3.0, while also fostering the growth and advancement of web 3.0. The program believes that all contributions will significantly benefit the ecosystem of web 3.0 in the long term, offering support to numerous promising developers and teams. Applications are welcome from individuals, teams, and researchers alike. The program's support and focus areas encompass GameFi, developer tooling, NFTs, the metaverse, DeFi, and dApps.




1inch Foundation Grant Program

1inch Foundation Grant Program



The 1inch Foundation Grant Program drives growth and advancement within the 1inch Network by offering grants and resources to incentivize contributions. With $3,000,000 in 1INCH tokens allocated, the program supports various focus areas including network development, product enhancement (such as aggregation, AMM, wallets, etc.), integrations utilizing the 1inch API, interoperability solutions for Layer 2 and non-EVM Layer 1, as well as security measures including vulnerability reports and bug fixes.








The Contribution Proposal System (CPS) is a decentralized grant program that supports developers and teams wanting to build on the ICON blockchain. ICON provides a diversified ecosystem for developers to build on top of, with the protocol’s main focus being on interoperability solutions. With innovative protocols in the DeFi and NFT space, there are endless opportunities for teams to provide value to the ICON’s growing ecosystem.




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