Extending the Quarashi ecosystem with staking

April 29, 2022
Extending the Quarashi ecosystem with staking

Our team has developed staking functionality for the platform.

Last year Rock’n’Block connected with Quarashi creators and developed a vesting smart contractfor their launch. The project was successful, and we’ve prepared an article about it.


The Quarashi project is an ecosystem, so it tends to contain many useful tools. If you take a look at the official website, you’ll find 6 components:

  • Non-custodial wallet
  • VPN & Incognito Browser
  • Airdrops
  • Chat (messenger)
  • Swap
  • Launchpad

According to the website, the mission of the project is:

“Minimizing frictions and barriers encountered by individuals and professionals searching to adopt cryptocurrency, by providing the gateway for individuals, emerging and established actors”.

We are happy to work with the people who stand for blockchain adoption, and one of the latest services we've provided is staking development for Quarashi. This is how it looks and works.

For those who are not familiar with the term:

Staking is putting a token into the pool to get a reward later. Usually, you have to buy a native token and stake it. And that’s how it works in Quarashi too.

What’s inside?

Quarashi offers 3 time intervals for staking: 1/6/12 months. Each interval offers its own APY, thus a user can choose the most suitable one.

It’s important to mention that a user can choose a blockchain in which he’d like to buy the native token. The options are Ethereum Network (ERC20) and Binance Smart Chain (BEP20).

Of course, the platform requires a wallet connection, so our team has integrated MetaMask and WalletConnect.

taking platform development

Unique features

The interface shows the user the amount of staked tokens, the period, and the reward. However, what’s more important, is that the user can see what he gets at the moment if he unstakes.

 staking service development

It’s needed to clarify that this is not a promotional material for the Quarashi project. We illustrate our case of Quarashi staking development. Please, conduct your own research before investing in any project.


The project realization took 2 weeks not including the time for communication and putting changes. The stack is:

  • Solidity
  • React
  • WEB3


Staking solutions are pretty common in the world of blockchain, but it’s vital to be user-friendly and reliable. Moreover, you’re the person who can invent new features and reinvent the tool.

Rock’n’Block’s team is not limited in development. We can help with:

⚡️NFT and NFT Marketplaces development ;

⚡️NFT 10K generator;

⚡️Staking platforms;

⚡️Vesting platforms;

⚡️Farming platforms;

⚡️Any other custom request from a crypto wallet development to custom blockchain development.

If you’re interested in building your blockchain project, feel free to contact our team via the Telegram channel or book a call via Calendly.



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